Friday, June 24, 2011

Is it in yet? Cuz I'm good with just the head

And now here's Tammy with the Crazy... thanks Bill
     Ok, kids... this might not be the most exciting or fascinating feature here at The Shamblette's Blog, but dear Lord if I'm not trying to fight off a semi just thinking about this week's topic.  I won't spoil it before the jump, but I'm offended that this one didn't come to me in a vision of truth sooner.  Fellow Shamblette Jem can contest that I've been a fan of this look for years, (seriously, text your bitches, this shit makes a mare look ten times more awesome)... but never before has it occurred to me that a man could rock said-look too.  What could it be that's so ahead (clue) of fashion that it took me years to realize it's brilliance?  Well, it's...


Fiercest bitch on the (cell) block
      Guuurl Boy you are workin' that shit.  All the rats in solitary confinement are probs sooo jelly of your tail... I know I am.  For real though, side ponies make even the fiercest bitch more fierce.  There's just something about the sass that oozes from the side of someone's head that makes it all come together.   
     Admit it, you know you wanna see Fabio or Michael Bolton conceal their locks of love on the top-back-side of their skulls.  Honestly, it's only a matter of time until long haired men will embrace the look that, when caressed, so closely resembles a cat swatting at a toy.
     Even crazy people have embraced the look, look at T on the hit cancelled show The United States of Tara", that bitch knew how to work the pony with the one two punch of jeggings and attitude... so why can't us boys do that?
     Don't get me wrong, dudes (a few exceptions to the rule aside) we're almost there (bless, J-Lo, bless).  Hipsters everywhere are close enough to achieving the visual, but they won't be able to completely pull it off until the hair goes up, back, and side to side.  So move over, ladies because it's time for the gents to whip they hair around and bring all the boys to the yard.

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