Thursday, January 26, 2012

Searches That Brung U To Me - 4

I'd be excited too if I was sittin' on his lap.  DILF!!
     Hi kiddos, I've been sick for a week and really want to kill myself.  But, before I do, I thought I'd check to see what is that was bringing you lil' Baconators to the Shamblette's... and as usual, I was disgusted, humored, and honored(?) at what I found.  So here you go, it's what I'm calling my 21 weirdo salute, featuring 21 searches that brung yallz nastay asses to the Shamblettes... but since this post has been pretty lame in the past, I've tried to find a way to spruce it up Walmart-becoming-a-Target style. 
     I'm not sure if it's worse that I write such top shelf stuff, or that it's bringing all the pedos to the yard and giving me more hits than a group of Rihanna look-a-likes at Chris Brown's birthday party.  Either way, click up on in this ish to see just what it is that you Hobags were searching for that brought your stank-encrusted eyeballs to this blog...

NOTE - If you're shortbus, the results are in bold, my comments on said results are in italics.

Gurl, you is nasty... that's Ur pregnancy test!
Black chicks licking ass - (will never share a toothbrush or burrito with me)

"Three things you can't touch" - (my bacon, my middle roll, and my buffet-eating record)

Walmart sluts - (give new meaning to the phrase, "rolling back prices")

Gaycorns - (these are the nuts those "girlie" squirrels have in their mouths)

Androgynous beings - (guess someone was looking for Hilary Swank pics)

In case you're wondering... that's not his arm.
Gay super dick - (I'll take "what's attached to Michael Fassbender minus the gay" for 200)

Thankskilling tits - (AKA box office numbers for Kathryn Heigl movies, AKA: flops)

Fat poop - (surryously people, why would you search for images of this?)

Run a train on you - (This is a Lifetime movie right?  Paris Hilton's in it I think)

Black woman shakes booty in walmart - (see also: Adrian Grenadine gets last corndog)

Too soon?
Pedo dad(This may or may not have been due to my own searching for "blog" purposes)

Eat your own face - (before I do: Noel Kahn, Sam Jaeger, and Lifesize Gummy Bear)

Murdering black homo - (Eddie Murphy killed someone?  ZING!)

Michael Cera shaft - (no comment)

Lick that black bitches asshole - (see: "Michael Cera shaft")

Tumblr incest caption - (I don't even know what this means, but I'm kinda on board with it.)

Move, Bitch... get out the way! (literally shambles)
Bitch in pajamas - (Ruining your life while slowly crossing a street near you)

Who's waldo - (My boifren.  Now if only I could find him in this candycane filled barbershop.)

This is what rappers use to look like - (insert image of African tribesman here)

"This guy hangs down at the corner" - (insert scrotum joke here)

5-10 year old pedo girl nude - (I do NOT approve of this one, people.  Come on... really?)

What was that about "This post is lame?". Meow. S'what I thought.
     So that's it for this addition.  I realize this post is a cop out and pretty lame, but it's fast and easy (like most of my followers).  So while I deal with the black plague, the three of you that read this will just have to deal with me posting lame ass shit like this until I'm back to my daily eating-56-pounds-of-buffet-and-gristle ways... but hey, you gotta admit (or maybe you don't).  This edition wasn't as boring or lame as ones past, right?  RIGHT?

    Lard ya' later,
           Adrian Grenadayum.

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