Monday, June 27, 2011

Gchats U wish... Luvshamdles & Web ShamD

Me and Skittles tastin' all kindsa rainbows
       New Shamblette on the block.  My partner in Shambled crime, Skittles and I had a gcaht the other day discussing all the relevant issues.  Topics included: fatassness, party time in Vegas, and why guys just don't get girls sometimes (hint: men are morons and women are, well... women).  The transcripts are just a click away and followed by a lovely Shramble with Kiki about work lies, mystery ailments, and the person most in need of a face career redo.  So take a chance on us and read on for a heaping pile of truth...

Luvshamdles:  Getting bigger, one wedding at a time.

Token black guy says: "A Nerds theme is more appropriate"
      Men and women, sometimes we just don't understand.  Luvshambles are harder to work off than middle rolls, but when I'm not pulling an Anne Frank and hiding from the upstairs noises coming from Night Showerer, Skittles and I are on the same non-food-based-love-diet as Kate Moss... but even her crackhead ass eventually settled down (a few times).  So there's hope for me too right...RIGHT?  Read on for the scoop...

Skittles:  why is "please-to" the funniest phrase in the whole world?
  i chuckle so hard every time.AG: hahaha I know right... ooh hot messenger is here, hey boo

11 minutes
Skittles:   i weighed in at the dr today
officially morbidly obese
  back to college weight, ughh
  altho not study abroad weight, that was just redonk, Gaborey Fatabay 2011.
 AG: welcome to the club, Precious.  i had a phily cheesesteak for lunch today, my life has been shambles ever since
We just need to starve ourselves to the brink of death for this 4th of jew-lie party if we're gonna get jaundy [get tan, as in jaundiced] without douchey toolbags judging us
 Skittles:  dude no kidding
  operation starvation starts now, but takes two short breaks for lunch and dinner and of course the wrap party.
 AG: Oh man a wrap party sounds delicious... oh wait you meant something else.  Story of my life.

6 minutes
Skittles: ok lets have a serio chat
  are you suuuuuuper set on doing Vegas the weekend of the 9th?
 AG: no we don't have to, (Kiki was saying she couldn't do that weekend either) but not too long afterward, why?
 Skittles: i dont think i can do that weekend bc i supposedly have a boat date.
 AG: boat date?  That sound rapey
Skittles: unfortunately it isn't as rapey as it sounds.
 AG: Shambles.  well i mean i can go to Vegas whenever, but i was pumped to go for the reason being that it was my birthday and i'd get showered with gifts and love so i didn't have to stress eat anymore (me everyday).  As long as we do something awesome where i get wasted and potentially molested it's all gravy to me (mmm gravy)
  Skittles:  Is Kiki on gchat now?AG:  she is, but she's watching pretty little liars so her responses are delayed by the powers of awesome.

7 minutes
 Skittles: so another question for you.  I've been wondering how easy it'd be if I were a guy so I was thinking... Do you ever wonder what it'd be like if guys gave birth instead of women?
 AG:  Sometimes, but I'd be a terrible mother.  If you put Voldemort in my nethers it'd be real dramatics when the dr says it's growing a foot and has three teeth
  Skittles: sounds like by "sometimes" you meant a lot.  Next question... if you were a chick, but with your same dude brain would you withold sex from your boyfriend to teach him a lesson?
 AG: I'd have to have a boyfriend first but probably not... although it would be fun to say "until you learn to respect my internal lady parks-and-rec you won't be raping their bennies". * reaping
 Skittles: forget I asked.
 AG: "no love for my uter, no playing in my cooter" (I could do this all day)
 Skittles: haha
 AG: In my experience guys are either mornons or douches, I fall under the moron category.
 Skittles: Yeah that makes sense.
 AG: saying that proves that you fall under the bitch category for women.
 Skittles: hahahaha... no I'm probably the other one.  What is the other one for women.
  AG:  there is no other one.  ZINgER!!!

14 minutes
 Skittles: ok, so Vegas should be the weekend of july 22AG: that's my sis' bday
 Skittles: oh good, we can celebrate that instead of yours
 AG: story of my life... (shambles)
Consulting Kiki's Doctor:  Cuz one click on a link is faster than two fists up the cooch.

It's true, I would... :(
      The next opus is between me and the now infamous Kiki.  Bless us both, we're gonna need it (and about 20 pounds of cookies) if we ever want to deshamblefy our lives completely

Kiki: i'm about to email [Bossman] telling him i'm sick
  and then call in tomorrow too
 AG: because you're legit sick or because you're over fighting off his attempts to rape you?
 AG: rape me. 

29 minutes
 Kiki: nevermind
  i decided it was a brilliant plan
  but i should have enacted it earlier in the day
 AG: yeah you really should have
 Kiki: cause its already almost 4 so i think ill use it next week
  and just use it at like 12
 AG: good thinking
 Kiki: still shambles though cuz i'm still here.
  But whatever.  [Bossman] is going to the Hamptons for a couple of weeks starting next thursday anyway, so maybe ill try to use it monday/tuesady
AG: the hampstons, what a gaywad
 Kiki: yeah exactly
  douchelordKiki:  Did you see that thing I sent you? [a blog entry about Kiki's friend who hooked up with Quentin Tarantino but he only sucked on her toes while he jerked off (shambles)] AG:  Yes, it was awesome... but of course it made me bitter because I don't have a weird celeb sex story (yet).  I feel like with my luck though I'll be stuck with Andy Dick in a corner and he'll stick his ween in my ear and give me a staf infection.Kiki:  Ew, no.  You're better than Andy Dick. Maybe Carrot Top.AG:  Double shambles; that's gross and now I want carrot cake.  But oh, what's that?  Why yes i think i will have 3-456,000 pistachio and white chocolate macadamia nut cookies. Thank you Adrian's thoughts.
 Kiki: omg i have about 2 dozen cookies and a dozen lemon bars in my freezer and a bag of chocolate covered pretzels
  which btw, were not as good as i remembered
 AG: it's the chocolate part that does nothing for meKiki: Racist.
  AG:  ooh man when you said freezer i remembered that i bought ice cream for the office, soy creamies and these like oreo bite things
 Kiki: NOM go get some of that ish now
  i have some ice cream in my freezer too for my cheat day
  this saturday is gonna be amazing.
 AG: yeah, because you have the gift
Kiki: yes the gift of fattiness.                                                                                              2 seconds

AG: concerned party of one about this red spot on my arm, it's def not imaginary but it doesn't itch anymore either
  there's like a main one and then an orbiting smaller moon to the left of it
 Kiki: hmm. 
 AG: side note: malted milkball cookie = not worthy the hype
 Kiki: oh i hate malted mlikball shit
 just web MD the cure.
 AG: meh, i'll spray it with lamosil when i get home and see if my arm falls off
 besides, it's un-webmd-able because it could be a million things and i know i'll convince myself it's aids or something based on the pictures, so i might just have to ride it out until i either see moving things in my bed or the lamo works its magic
Kiki:  true, i lost my SHIT cause i was so disgusted one time after consulting the web MD
 AG: if anything it's just opened my eyes to the idea that the mats at the gym that I take naps on during the yoga class are covered in nasty-feet-juice and sweat jizz from the millions that used it before, and being barefoot for yoga on that ish is probs not the best choice, but they make you take your shoes off or threaten you with death.
  i should probs just get my own mat
 Kiki: oh yeah
  defintiely get your own mat, they're pretty cheap at like target
  def worth it
  or be the freak that brings your own lysol and sprays everything down before you touch it
 AG: that's my sister
 Kiki: i want to go drinking tomorrow night
  make the time pass by faster that i wont be able to eat
 AG: life is hard
 Kiki: screw work, i'm about to start PLL
 if our internet connection can handle the buffering of course
  which is questionable
 AG: it might be able to handle the bufferring, but can it handle the drama?
 Kiki: only time will tell.AG:  Random shocking news, I ordered Thai for the writers today and asked them to write the names of the people on the boxes, they (no joke) instead of Lisa, Anna, and Jeremy wrote the following: "Risa", "Teale", and "Luke".  My mind is blown. Kiki:  hahaha they went batshit crazy.AG:  more like batshit Asian.

                                                                            5 minutes
[Kiki fades away as she starts watching Pretty Little Liars instead of working] Kiki: hey, Spencer wear a belt around a tight sweater for no reason.  
God, i just want ONE hot guy that can act on this show
  and not stand there and make me question if he's retarded or not
 AG: i know, but i love retarded gays so bring them on, PLL
 Kiki: Freudian slip?
 AG: oh no that was on purpose, all of them on that show are retarded gays in training... and the only slip is my ween outta my pants.  Don't judge... Lady Gaga said I was born this way.
  Kiki:  haha.ok so compared to Toby, this new Jason is not that bad
 AG: compared to Toby, playing a Nintendo game cube with Jigsaw is "not that bad".

                                                                          14 minutes

AG: so vegas is moving, Skittles wants to gchat and synch up a date but nowshe's like, i'm going on a boat date or something lame.
 Kiki: why'd she pick that weekend if she has all these other planz
 AG: because she's a vegan and vegans  can't keep their minds right
 Kiki: oh you TELL HIM HANNA
 sorry, got distracted by PLL.  you could go somewhere else and then do Vegas the following weekend... it 'll be like double rainbow birthday
 AG: true
 Kiki: omg watching Toby try to be romantic is like watching someone try to poke their own eyes out
 he so doesn't want to be touching anything with a vag
 AG: Of the four PLL i'd marry Spencer, sex Emily, rape Hanna, and kill Aria, so he's got it made with Spence
 Kiki: stupid bitch
oh hay look at my shout out in the PLL recap
 AG:  bless                                                                          10 minutes
KIKI: can we start live blog our meals on your blog?
  all 8 of them a day?
 AG:  you only eat 8 meals a day?  Skinny bitch.
  Kiki:  Don't be mad at me.AG:  My new mantra for the blog is that I want it to be the Mecca for all sassy beings in the world to unite, like a souplantation card member, only exclusive bitches allowed in... 8 meals a day just won't cut it.  haha.
Kiki: shambles, i'm hungry
 AG: shocker, you're hungryso am I. :(

5 minutes
 Kiki: OMG
  Jennifer Aniston shot "inside the actors' studio"
  that's a joke
 AG: i didn't realize the actor's stupido needed a nosejob and can't hold down a man
 Kiki: nailed it
 AG: i meant to type "studio", but "stupido" works too, my hands are so used to typing the word "stupid" i've developed muscle memoryKiki:  I can totally relate, you don't know how many times I've tried to "bacon" a cake. AG:  mmm bacon cake. -------------------------------------------------------------------
    So there you have it, our shambled truth.  Not only are we medically in need of help, but we also can't talk about anything other than shows we're too old to watch, and food we're too hungry to not eat.  This truly is the land of the free... Willy. (Bless)

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