Friday, July 1, 2011

Gross Yuck Cool: Period Pieces

Boo, Bitch... it's a light day
     Hope you're sitting down for this one, or at least have your legs crossed.  This week's Gross Yuck Cool lives up to it's name (but is less "Cool" than the other two descriptors).  I'll spare you all the juicy details up front, but please-to read on for the gory ones...

This one's more my speed (insert poon nom joke here)
     For those of us that've taken Roberta Allsworth's art class in Ghost World, this should come as no big shocker after Margaret's piece... "It's a tampon in a teacup", but trust us when we say that Margaret took the safe route.  This week's Gross Yuck Cool is Menstrual Art, and it's got all the art weirdo's on the edge of their stools and beanbag chairs shouting it's praises for the feminist movement... but I beg to differ because a simple google search yields a picture of wasted Courtney Love at the MTV video awards.
     For some clarity, Menstrual Art is not a painting of a bloody cooch, and it's not a tampon in a teacup (sorry Marge).  No, dear Shamblette's, Menstrual Art is art created with period blood.  Yes you read that right, and no I'm not gonna make a joke about finger painting (too late).
     I'll spare you the more graphic treasures I came across in my secree-search, but trust... most of the art looks like a mono-chromatically partial kindergartner went cray cray trying to paint the man-without-a-face on the back of an exploding firework for his upcoming inkblot test.  And what gets me is some of them are rather extensive in materials.  I can only imagine how one A) collected the "paint" and B), got enough to paint a whole 18 X 24 triptych... but I digress.
     I'm not gonna diss any of the artists who are in to this because to each their own... I will however try to explain it.  I believe the intention is that since creation of life comes from the womb, creation of art coming from it too is pure creation that both represents and come's from one's self... or something.  And I guess it only works for ladies because a jizz Picasso isn't as effective as a poonjuice Pollack unless you have a black light and/or an infection... but come on, people... really?  Now, don't get me wrong, If I had the ability to create paint for my own period piece, I'd at least make something worth covering in last month's uterine lining... like a baby.
     You should all know by now that I'm far from a prude.  However (to a degree) I like my art tasteful (no poon intended)... and if using your own or, (eeps) someone else's nether-jam for paint is your thing, then more power to you.  Just don't expect me to shake your hand or help you collect materials, because that's where I draw the line... but unlike you, I don't need to wait a month to do it.

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