I'm not invisible, I'm making a cumback, dammit! Shut up, loser. |
Hey Gurls hey, fist (tee hee) of all if the headline above didn't spell it out, this be my 100th post, can't believe we've made it this far. So please-to do your part to spread the Shamblettes word like legs as, like weens in duh strip club or crabs on your cooch, I'm trynna grow this blog as much as I can as time goes on. So tweet, poke, retweet, facebook, whatever you need to do to get my words of nom out to the fat assed masses preez. I'll luz you bacon cheeseburger style if you do.
NTwayz, pleasantries and cel-ho-brations aside, it's that time again to dig deep in the nethers of time to see what became of "heartthrobs" past. The 90's are back in the habit like Sister Act 2 these days, so let's take a stroll down memree lane to see what this mop topped douchelord from numerous Tigerbeat photo-spreads is up to today. You're just a click away from discovering his identity, but don't say I didn't warn you, this guy has spent too many years lodging up extended-stay style in irrelevant-invisible-man fashion at "Camp Nowhere"...