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Gurl, is Seal sexting you again? Yes. I'm gonna kill my hub-send! |
As always, be warned, there be spoilers about who won, and who went home this week (at the end of the post in the SPOILER ZONE), so don't say I didn't warn you like that one time you tried to stick a cucumber in your ass instead of a chainsaw (er, wait I got that backwards)... NTWayz, if you read something you didn't want to know, it's not my fault. Now on to that refux...
Sew (see what I did there?) this week's challenge saw the ho-signers pairing up (Asians together obvi) to design fashions for bitches in stilts who need cheeseburgers for an outdoor runway show... And go!
Anthony Auld: Still fine, still might have hepatitis, still don't care. I want that bodice.
FASHIONS - Gorgeous! Bitch's insurance just went up with all that red.
Anya Chee: Haven't heard NTthing else 'bout dem lack of skills; she'll be around a while.
FASHIONS - Skirt was flowy like a period... but this time that's a good thing.
Becky Ross: Like a Lost re-run, each repeat viewing of her makes me like her less.
FASHIONS - Black Kim was right about the wonky collar, but jacket was ferocia!
Bert Keeter: Pretty sure he died 8 yrs ago & feeds off of bitter juice... total asshole.
FASHIONS - Not as hideous as Bert's 'tude, but Granny wants her drapes back.
Bryce Black: Harvey Danger Perez Hilton the 3rd is not skilled/cute enough to be so mean.
FASHIONS - TuTu looks more like a Three Three it's so big... but not THAT bad.
Cecilia Matwani: If they didn't add subtitles when she speaks, I'd think she was asleep.
FASHIONS - I think bitch stole that look offuh Bea Arthur's corpse (2 soon?)
Danielle Everine: Got about 2 seconds of screen time... yeah she's that boring.
FASHIONS - Gretchen from S8 called, she wants her hideo fashions back.
Falleen Wells: My patience with her is running thin. What once was cute is now whiny.
FASHIONS - Pretty much just meh, good call on the waist tho, pack ur bags.
Joshua McKinley: Gurl gives good soundbites, but he's an asshole and those BROWS!
FASHIONS - As much as I can't stand this gaywad, those pants were HOT!
Julie Tierney: I like her fuq you attitude... pretty sure she's not gonna last long though.
FASHIONS - Model bitch was overworking that coat arm, but it was aight.
Kimberly Goodson: Still love this bitch, but she didn't really get featured this week.
FASHIONS - Tell it, bitch. Those shit brindle pants were the shit!
Laura Kathleen: Not a bitch, knows her stuff, and has a sense of humor = She my new fave
FASHIONS - Gurl the red feather thingies were just ok, but u'll be safe.
Olivier Green: Can't stand his voice slash everything. He's like a living saltine cracker.
FASHIONS - That top was about as boring as your all of the above, Olli.
Viktor Luna: Thanx to being paired with Dickasaurus, I know who he is. Still lame tho.
FASHIONS - If an ostrich took a shit on some algae it'd be that dress boo, sry.
Kim Whoretrashian: DO. NOT. WANT! She probs made more in an hour of being useless than I will all year working 60hr weeks. If that's not Shambles I don't know what is... Can't stand this bitch. The only thing she knows about fashion is how to get fuqed in the ass and videotape it (while using couture as a cum-rag of course).
TOP THREE (tee hee) --- Laura/Anthony, Becky/Kimberly, Danielle/Cecilia
SHOULDA WON --- Mondo Anthony, but I'm happy Laura won.
BOTTOM THREE (tee hee) ---Josh/Julie, Burt/Viktor, Falleen/Bryce
So what'd you think? Agree or disagree with my thoughts and/or what really went down? Wondering what the hell Anya was thinking wearing that feather-covered leather thing with shoulders of death that made her look like an American Gladiator? Wish you could stab Fallene in the face like I do for being whiny, yet won't do it for her fessing up to fashion not being her calling? Let me know in the comments.
Bis bald (see you soon)
----- "A"-wiedersehen
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